Storage capacity of memory networks with binary couplings p. 3057 Werner Krauth and Marc Mézard DOI: AbstractPDF (971.5 KB)References
Statistical mechanics model of protein folding : short and long chains have different folding transitions p. 3067 J.-R. Garel, T. Garel and H. Orland DOI: AbstractPDF (839.7 KB)References
Directional solidification of a faceted crystal. II. Phase dynamics of crenellated front patterns p. 3075 B. Caroli, C. Caroli and B. Roulet DOI: AbstractPDF (1.075 MB)References
Nonlinear theory of traveling wave convection in binary mixtures p. 3089 D. Bensimon, A. Pumir and B.I. Shraiman DOI: AbstractPDF (1.847 MB)References
Formalism for adiabatic potentials calculation of one-active-electron diatomic molecule. Application to Na/sub 2//sup +/ and Ba/sub 2//sup 3+/ ionsFormalisme pour le calcul des potentiels adiabatiques d'une molécule diatomique à un électron actif (potentiel - modèle non local). Application aux ions Na+2 et Ba32+ p. 3109 H. Bergeron and A. Valance DOI: AbstractPDF (1.285 MB)References
Superconducting glass-phase diagram for ceramic YBa2Cu 3O7-δ p. 3123 Z. Kozioł, J. Piechota and H. Szymczak DOI: AbstractPDF (949.7 KB)References
Structure of C6H12 films on graphite p. 3133 A. Razafitianamaharavo, P. Convert, J.P. Coulomb, B. Croset and N. Dupont-Pavlovsky DOI: AbstractPDF (1.230 MB)References
Hydrodynamics of lyotropic smectics : a dynamic light scattering study of dilute lamellar phases p. 3147 F. Nallet, D. Roux and J. Prost DOI: AbstractPDF (1.853 MB)References
Critical slowing down near the smectic-A-hexatic-B transition p. 3167 R. Geer, H.Y. Liu, E.K. Hobbie, G. Nounesis, C.C. Huang and J.W. Goodby DOI: AbstractPDF (693.2 KB)References