International colloqium of scattering spectra of crystalsColloque international sur les spectres de diffusion des cristaux p. 609 J.P. Mathieu DOI: AbstractPDF (220.8 KB)
Raman spectrum of ZnO p. 610 S.S. Mitra and J.I. Bryant DOI: AbstractPDF (86.11 KB)References
Raman spectrum of magnesium oxide.Spectre Raman de la magnésie p. 611 J.P. Mon DOI: AbstractPDF (436.1 KB)References
Note on the first order Raman spectrum of CuCl p. 614 S. Iwasa and E. Burstein DOI: AbstractPDF (150.8 KB)References
The Raman spectrum of solid hydrogen p. 615 E.J. Allin, A.H. M, V. Soots and H.L. Welsh DOI: AbstractPDF (933.5 KB)References
Raman spectroscopy using a gas laser p. 620 J.P. Russell DOI: AbstractPDF (1.353 MB)References
The Raman spectrum of magnesium fluoride p. 627 R.S. Krishnan and R.S. Katiyar DOI: AbstractPDF (450.9 KB)References
The Raman spectrum of gallium phosphide p. 630 R.S. Krishnan and N. Krishnamurthy DOI: AbstractPDF (622.2 KB)References
The second order Raman spectrum of calcium fluoride p. 633 R.S. Krishnan and N. Krishnamurthy DOI: AbstractPDF (610.6 KB)References
A method for determining the magnitude of the Raman scattering matrix element for diamond-type crystals p. 637 E. Burstein and S. Ganesan DOI: AbstractPDF (392.9 KB)References
Selection rules for second order infrared and raman processes. I. Caesium chloride structure and interpretation of the second order Raman spectra of CsBr and Csi p. 639 S. Ganesan, E. Burstein, A.M. Karo and J.R. Hardy DOI: AbstractPDF (897.7 KB)References
Selection rules for second order infrared and raman processes. II. Fluorite structure and the interpretation of the second order infrared and Raman spectra of CaF2 p. 645 S. Ganesan and E. Burstein DOI: AbstractPDF (649.0 KB)References
Theoretical and experimental study of brillouin scattering in anisotropic media.Étude théorique et expérimentale de la diffusion Brillouin dans les milieux anisotropes p. 649 L. Cecchi DOI: AbstractPDF (796.9 KB)References
The exact equation for Brillouin shifts p. 655 V. Chandrasekharan DOI: AbstractPDF (498.4 KB)References
Raman scattering from crystals of the diamond structure p. 659 R.A. Cowley DOI: AbstractPDF (1.432 MB)References
Theoretical interpretation of the second-order Raman spectra of caesium halides p. 668 A.M. Karo, J.R. Hardy and I. Morrison DOI: AbstractPDF (1.280 MB)References
Theory of the resonance Raman effect in crystals p. 677 R. Loudon DOI: AbstractPDF (1.198 MB)References
Selection rules for two phonon Raman and infrared processes in tetraatomic bismuth trifluoride. Comparison with diatomic and triatomic cases p. 683 S. Ganesan DOI: AbstractPDF (100.4 KB)References
Crystal vibration modes corresponding to symmetry points of the Brillouin zone.Modes de vibration des cristaux correspondants à des points de symétrie de la zone de Brillouin p. 684 H. Poulet DOI: AbstractPDF (745.4 KB)References
Selection rules for Raman scattering and infrared adsorption in wurtzite.Règles de sélection pour la diffusion Raman et l'absorption infrarouge dans la wurtzite p. 689 Michel Nusimovici DOI: AbstractPDF (939.4 KB)References
Wave vector dependence of the Raman effect in crystals p. 697 O. Theimer and A.C. Saxman DOI: AbstractPDF (2.132 MB)References
Raman scattering of light from H— centers in CaF2 p. 709 M. Ashkin DOI: AbstractPDF (1.236 MB)References
Impurity induced first order Raman scattering of light byalkali-halide crystals p. 717 Nguyen Xuan Xinh, A.A. Maradudin and R.A. Coldwell-Horsfall DOI: AbstractPDF (3.001 MB)References
Theory of depolarization of Raman scattering in crystals p. 735 Joseph L. Birman DOI: AbstractPDF (125.8 KB)References
The theory of Raman effect in crystals p. 736 Joseph L. Birman DOI: AbstractPDF (173.0 KB)References
Theory of the vibrational structure of the Raman spectra of impure crystals p. 737 K. Rebane and I. Tehver DOI: AbstractPDF (156.8 KB)
Theory of Raman resonance effect in crystals with impurities.Sur la théorie de l'effet Raman de résonance dans les cristaux présentant des défauts p. 738 E.D. Trifonov and K. Peuker DOI: AbstractPDF (683.4 KB)References
Raman scattering by the lattice of ionic crystals containing impurities p. 742 L.E. Gurevich, I.P. Ipatova and A.A. Klotchichin DOI: AbstractPDF (630.2 KB)References
Cross-relaxation in an antiferromagnet. I. study of nuclei and measurement of relaxation time.Relaxation croisée dans un antiferromagnétique. I. Étude des niveaux et mesure des temps de relaxation p. 747 J.P. Renard DOI: AbstractPDF (791.4 KB)References