The dependence of the optical characteristics on light intensity in a semiconductor p. 1009 Nguyen Ba An and Nguyen Trung Dan DOI: AbstractPDF (328.6 KB)References
Fine structure of point defects and soliton decay in nematic liquid crystals p. 1027 E. Penzenstadler and H.-R. Trebin DOI: AbstractPDF (1.073 MB)References
Berry phases for quadratic spin Hamiltonians taken from atomic and solid state physics: examples of Abelian gauge fields not connected to physical particles p. 1041 C. Bouchiat DOI: AbstractPDF (1.324 MB)References
Shear behavior of an amorphous film with bubble soap raft model p. 1057 D. Mazuyer, J.M. Georges and B. Cambou DOI: AbstractPDF (1.057 MB)References
On the hydrodynamic stability of curved premixed flames p. 1069 Guy Joulin DOI: AbstractPDF (1.604 MB)References
Lattice gas experiments on a non-exothermic diffusion flame in a vortex field p. 1083 V. Zehnlé and G. Searby DOI: AbstractPDF (1.684 MB)References
Electrochiral effects in nematic liquid crystal-chiral salt mixtures p. 1099 Zhang Fuliang and G. Durand DOI: AbstractPDF (1.765 MB)References
Regulation of the colloidal and phase behaviour of bioaggregates by surface polarity. Examples with lipid bilayer membranes p. 1117 Gregor Cevc DOI: AbstractPDF (2.523 MB)References
Erratum - Capillary rise of a wetting fluid in a semi-circular groove p. 1135 Elie Raphaël DOI: AbstractPDF (18.33 KB)