Cusp shaped hydrodynamic instability in a nematic p. 985 E. Guazzelli and E. Guyon DOI: AbstractPDF (632.6 KB)References
Lagrangian tricritical theory of polymer chain solutions near the θ-point p. 991 B. Duplantier DOI: AbstractPDF (3.405 MB)References
Dressed atom approach to collisional redistribution p. 1021 S. Reynaud and C. Cohen-Tannoudji DOI: AbstractPDF (2.438 MB)References
Experimental studies of fast electron generation in laser-produced plasmas at 1.06, 0.53 and 0.26 μm laser wavelength p. 1037 F. Amiranoff, R. Fabbro, E. Fabre, C. Garban-Labaune and M. Weinfeld DOI: AbstractPDF (823.3 KB)References
Parameters of a laser produced plasma from XUV line profiles p. 1043 E. Jannitti, P. Nicolosi and G. Tondello DOI: AbstractPDF (888.2 KB)References
Nuclear spin diffusion in a rare spin species p. 1049 M. Goldman and J.F. Jacquinot DOI: AbstractPDF (1.312 MB)References
A new survey of the physical properties of the (TMTTF)2 X series. Role of the counterion ordering p. 1059 C. Coulon, P. Delhaes, S. Flandrois, R. Lagnier, E. Bonjour and J.M. Fabre DOI: AbstractPDF (1.369 MB)References
Exciton Bose condensation : the ground state of an electron-hole gas - I. Mean field description of a simplified model p. 1069 C. Comte and P. Nozières DOI: AbstractPDF (2.061 MB)References
Exciton Bose condensation : the ground state of an electron-hole gas - II. Spin states, screening and band structure effects p. 1083 P. Nozières and C. Comte DOI: AbstractPDF (2.723 MB)References
Ferroelastic and ferroelectric phase transition in a molecular crystal : tanane - 2. — Phenomenological model and piezoelectric resonance study of the soft acoustic mode p. 1099 J.F. Legrand DOI: AbstractPDF (2.652 MB)References
Ferroelastic and ferroelectric phase transition in a molecular crystal : tanane - 3. — From ab initio computation of the intermolecular forces to statistical mechanics of the transition p. 1117 J.F. Legrand, J. Lajzerowicz, J. Lajzerowicz-Bonneteau and A. Capiomont DOI: AbstractPDF (1.136 MB)References
Three reentrant phenomena in a pure mesogenTrois phénomènes rentrants dans un produit pur mésogène p. 1127 Nguyen Huu Tinh, F. Hardouin and C. Destrade DOI: AbstractPDF (1.022 MB)References
Particle vs. pair condensation in attractive Bose liquids p. 1133 P. Nozières and D. Saint James DOI: AbstractPDF (2.506 MB)References
Climb dissociation in {113} planes in Al-Mg spinels p. 1149 N. Doukhan, R. Duclos and B. Escaig DOI: AbstractPDF (2.415 MB)References
Elastic light scattering by smectic A focal conic defects p. 1159 N.A. Clark and A.J. Hurd DOI: AbstractPDF (1.152 MB)References
Pressure dependence of the thermoelectric power of TTF-TCNQ p. 1167 C. Weyl, D. Jérome, P.M. Chaikin and K. Bechgaard DOI: AbstractPDF (965.7 KB)References
Local dipolar order induced by steric effects in smectic B phases p. 1173 G. Coulon DOI: AbstractPDF (691.8 KB)References