An inversion formula expressing the texture function in terms of angular distribution functions p. 161 J. Muller, C. Esling and H.J. Bunge DOI: AbstractPDF (521.4 KB)References
Boundary layer instabilities in a convecting fluid. Evolution towards turbulenceInstabilités de couche limite dans un fluide en convection. Evolution vers la turbulence p. 167 M. Dubois and P. Bergé DOI: AbstractPDF (1.341 MB)References
Field theory and polymer size distribution for branched polymers p. 175 T.C. Lubensky and J. Isaacson DOI: AbstractPDF (1.865 MB)References
Polymer excluded volume exponent ν in three dimensions by direct renormalization p. 189 F. Family DOI: AbstractPDF (463.1 KB)References
Quadrupole pairing and (0/sup +/) state properties in rare earth nucleiPairing quadrupolaire et propriétés des états (0+ ) des noyaux des terres rares p. 193 A. Issa DOI: AbstractPDF (1.210 MB)References
Pressure induced shifts in HCl/HF and HF/HCI systems p. 203 C. Boulet and A. Rosenberg DOI: AbstractPDF (858.3 KB)References
Study of the ν1-ν3 infrared hot band of CH3Cl35 p. 209 N. Bensari-Zizi and C. Alamichel DOI: AbstractPDF (446.4 KB)References
Study of `blue' satellite observed on the self-broadened 1849 AA mercury line. Evidence for a variation of transition moment with internuclear distanceEtude du satellite « bleu » de la raie 1849 Å du mercure autoélargie. Mise en évidence d'une variation du moment de transition avec la distance internucléaire p. 215 N. Bras and C. Bousquet DOI: AbstractPDF (975.7 KB)References
Microwave rotation spectra of /sup 32/SF/sub 5//sup 81/BrSpectres de rotation de 32SF581Br en ondes millimétriques p. 223 C. Verry, R. Jurek, P. Goulet and B. Lamalle DOI: AbstractPDF (746.0 KB)References
Determination of the relative populations of magnetic sublevels of the 4/sup 1/D level of He I excited by heavy ion impactDétermination des populations relatives des sous-niveaux magnétiques du niveau 41D de HeI excité par impact d'ions lourds p. 235 M. Carré, A. Zgainski, M. Gaillard, M. Nouh and M. Lombardi DOI: AbstractPDF (1.887 MB)References
Helix-coil transitions of dilute polymers under a velocity gradient p. 247 Y.H. Kim DOI: AbstractPDF (1.769 MB)References
On static helical instabilities of screw dislocations in a SmA phase and on their consequence on plasticity p. 261 L. Bourdon, M. Kléman, L. Lejcek and D. Taupin DOI: AbstractPDF (1.057 MB)References
Dielectric relaxation in a ferroelectric liquid crystal p. 269 Ph. Martinot-Lagarde and G. Durand DOI: AbstractPDF (1002 KB)References
Metal-insulator transition in Ti2O3 p. 277 N.F. Mott DOI: AbstractPDF (643.4 KB)References
Convective instabilities in nematics caused by an elliptical shear p. 283 J.-M. Dreyfus and E. Guyon DOI: AbstractPDF (1.981 MB)References
Mobility measurements of two kinds of two-dimensional fluids. Methane adsorbed on graphite p. 293 J.P. Coulomb, M. Bienfait and P. Thorel DOI: AbstractPDF (2.295 MB)References
Formation of a smectic A phase from a strongly deformed planar nematic liquid crystal CBOOA p. 307 H.P. Hinov DOI: AbstractPDF (1.938 MB)References
Luminescence in AgGaS/sub 2/ crystalsLuminescence dans les cristaux de AgGaS2 p. 317 G. Aguero, J.P. Aicardi and J.P. Leyris DOI: AbstractPDF (703.0 KB)References
Photoconductivity due to autoionisation of Ce/sup 2+/ in CaF/sub 2/, SrF/sub 2/ and BaF/sub 2/Photoconductivité due à l'autoionisation de Ce2+ dans CaF 2, SrF2 et BaF2 p. 323 C. Pedrini, P.O. Pagost, C. Madej and D.S. McClure DOI: AbstractPDF (1.240 MB)References
EPR study of organisation of the smectic C phase of 4,4'-di-heptyloxyazoxybenzeneEtude par RPE de l'organisation de la phase smectique C du 4-4'-di-heptyloxyazoxybenzène p. 331 A. Sanson and M. Ptak DOI: AbstractPDF (2.005 MB)References
NMR studies of superionic β-aluminas p. 345 J.L. Bjorkstam and M. Villa DOI: AbstractPDF (1.205 MB)References
Shear viscosity measurements in the binary mixture butyl cellosolve-water near its upper and lower critical consolute points p. 353 Y. Izumi, A. Dondos, C. Picot and H. Benoit DOI: AbstractPDF (907.8 KB)References
Refractive index of pure water at low temperature and 5893 AA wavelengthIndice de réfraction de l'eau pure aux basses températures, pour la longueur d'onde de 5 893 Å p. 359 Ch. Saubade DOI: AbstractPDF (1.215 MB)References
Erratum - A Body-Centered Cubic Structure for the Cholesteric Blue Phase p. 367 R.M. Hornreich and S. Shtrikman DOI: AbstractPDF (52.05 KB)