Study of the decay /sup 184/Hg to /sup 184/Au (T/sub 1/2/=30 s)Étude de la décroissance 184Hg → 184Au (T 1/2 = 30 s) p. 343 W.G. Nettles, R. Béraud, J.D. Cole, J.H. Hamilton, A.V. Ramayya, H. Kawakami, E.H. Spejewski and K.S.R. Sastry DOI: AbstractPDF (774.4 KB)References
The optical autler-townes effect in doppler-broadened three-level systems p. 350 C. Delsart and J.-C. Keller DOI: AbstractPDF (1.692 MB)References
Band profiles associated with induced dipole transitions in alkali-rare gas systems p. 361 B. Sayer, J.P. Visticot and J. Pascale DOI: AbstractPDF (1.305 MB)References
Determination of some constants of the dipole moment expansion along the normal coordinates for /sup 12/C/sup 16/ODétermination de certaines constantes du développement du moment dipolaire de 12C 16O2 par rapport aux coordonnées normales p. 369 J. Bordé DOI: AbstractPDF (1.192 MB)References
Polymorphism of 1,2-dipalmitoylglyceridePolymorphisme du dipalmitoyl 1,2 glycéride p. 377 A.F. Craievich, A.M. Levelut, M. Lambert and N. Albon DOI: AbstractPDF (2.207 MB)References
Optical properties of nickel between 2 and 3 eV. New experimental resultsNouvelles données expérimentales sur l'absorption optique du nickel entre 2 et 3 eV p. 389 M. Ph. Stoll and Ch. Jung DOI: AbstractPDF (1.556 MB)References
Role of the intraatomic coulomb correlations on the energy of cohesion in narrow band metals p. 397 F. Kajzar and J. Friedel DOI: AbstractPDF (941.7 KB)References
Light propagation in periodic anisotropic materials. Application to the calculation of the conoscopy of cholesteric and chiral smectic-C phasesPropagation de la lumière dans les milieux anisotropes périodiques application au calcul des conoscopies des corps cholestériques et smectiques C Chiraux p. 406 D. Taupin, E. Guyon and P. Pieranski DOI: AbstractPDF (1.582 MB)References
Flexo-electric domains in liquid crystals p. 417 M. I. Barnik, L.M. Blinov, A.N. Trufanov and B.A. Umanski DOI: AbstractPDF (979.1 KB)References
Distortion of the cholesteric planar texture in liquid crystals with a negative dielectric anisotropy p. 423 M. De Zwart DOI: AbstractPDF (1.966 MB)References
Small angle neutron scattering studies of ionic micellar solutions of sodium p-octylbenzenesulphonateÉtude de micelles ioniques de p. octyl benzènesulfonate de sodium par diffusion centrale des neutrons p. 432 C. Cabos and P. Delord DOI: AbstractPDF (970.5 KB)References