Symmetry transition in the cubic phase of a ternary surfactant system p. 1501 S. Radiman, C. Toprakcioglu and A.R. Faruqi DOI: AbstractPDF (874.1 KB)References
Relativistic effects on the TM-modes of one boundary corrugated parallel plate waveguide filled with uniaxial warm drifting plasma p. 1509 Rajendra Prasad, Ramjee Prasad and A.N. Mantri DOI: AbstractPDF (459.2 KB)References
Vacancy-interstitial pairs in ordered smectic phases : a linear Guinier-Preston zone behaviour p. 1517 A.M. Levelut DOI: AbstractPDF (1.491 MB)References
Specific properties of amphiphilic particles at fluid interfaces p. 1527 T. Ondarçuhu, P. Fabre, E. Raphaël and M. Veyssié DOI: AbstractPDF (961.3 KB)References
Critical mixing in monomolecular films : pressure-composition phase diagram of a two-dimensional binary mixture p. 1537 C.L. Hirshfeld and M. Seul DOI: AbstractPDF (2.098 MB)References
Model of conformal molecular behaviour in a mixture of two thermotropic liquid crystals in nematic and smectic B phasesModélisation du comportement conformationnel moléculaire dans un mélange de deux cristaux liquides thermotropes en phases nématique et smectique B p. 1553 F. Barbarin, J.P. Chausse and J.P. Germain DOI: AbstractPDF (1.518 MB)References