Energy migration in randomly doped crystals : geometrical properties of space and kinetic laws p. 1217 P. Evesque DOI: AbstractPDF (1.349 MB)References
Coherence effects in the polarization of the light emitted by photofragments p. 1225 J. Vigue, J.A. Beswick and M. Broyer DOI: AbstractPDF (2.696 MB)References
Laser pulse duration effects in Xe2+ ions induced by multiphoton absorption at 0.53 μm p. 1247 A. L'Huillier, L.A. Lompre, G. Mainfray and C. Manus DOI: AbstractPDF (1.396 MB)References
Rotation harmonics for a numerical diatomic potential p. 1257 H. Kobeissi and M. Korek DOI: AbstractPDF (849.0 KB)References
Chemi-ionization reactions involving metastable helium atoms at high energy p. 1263 P. Pradel and J.J. Laucagne DOI: AbstractPDF (1.658 MB)References
Dispersive interfacial electric polarisation between anisotropic dielectricsPolarisation électrique d'une interface par effet dispersif entre diélectriques anisotropes p. 1273 C. Girard and L. Galatry DOI: AbstractPDF (1.459 MB)References
Theoretical determination of the temperature dependence of the elastic moduli in cubic solidsEtude théorique du comportement avec la température des modules élastiques des solides à symétrie cubique p. 1287 M. Delannoy-Coutris and G. Perrin DOI: AbstractPDF (1.274 MB)References
Tight-binding calculation of orbital relaxations and hopping integral modifications around vacancies and antisite defects in GaAs p. 1297 J. van der Rest and P. Pecheur DOI: AbstractPDF (1.626 MB)References
Infrared transmission of heavily doped polyacetylene p. 1307 C. Benoit, O. Bernard, M. Palpacuer, M. Rolland and M. J. M. Abadie DOI: AbstractPDF (1.413 MB)References
Middle-infrared absorption and electron paramagnetic resonance of copper associates in zinc sulfide p. 1317 L. Herrig, J. Nagel and H.-J. Schulz DOI: AbstractPDF (907.4 KB)References
Erratum - Spectroscopic constants of spherical top molecules. q 2J2 and q2J3 terms for interacting states 1000, 0010 and 0100, 0001 of AB4 molecules p. 1323 V.I. Perevalov, Vl. G. Tyuterev and B.I. Zhilinskii DOI: AbstractPDF (62.96 KB)