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Field theory for ARB2 branched polymers p. 1591 T.C. Lubensky, J. Isaacson and S.P. Obukhov DOI: AbstractPDF (1.450 MB)References
Study of the beta /sup +/ decay of /sup 33/ClEtude de la décroissance β+ de 33Cl p. 1603 P. Dupuis, F. Leccia, P. Mennrath, J. Morales and M. Plo DOI: AbstractPDF (576.8 KB)References
Complete spectral profile of the 6 1S0-6 3P 1 mercury line perturbed by argon p. 1607 D. Perrin and J.C. Jeannet DOI: AbstractPDF (601.2 KB)References
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Theory of a Gaussian beam in a gas laserThéorie d'un faisceau gaussien dans un laser à gaz p. 1623 G. Stephan and H. Taleb DOI: AbstractPDF (2.326 MB)References
Electron resonance in the insulating spin glass Eu0.4Sr0.6 S p. 1641 A. Deville, C. Arzoumanian, B. Gaillard, C. Blanchard, J.P. Jamet and H. Maletta DOI: AbstractPDF (936.3 KB)References
On the elastic constants of nematics ; a comparison between experiment and molecular theory p. 1647 S.D.P. Flapper, G. Vertogen and F. Leenhouts DOI: AbstractPDF (430.9 KB)References
Local order and lattice dynamics in the ordered phases of T.B.B.A. (Terephthal-Bis-Butyl-Aniline) p. 1651 A.M. Levelut, F. Moussa, J. Doucet, J.J. Benattar, M. Lambert and B. Dorner DOI: AbstractPDF (1.972 MB)References
Investigations on the ordering of five p, p'-di-n-alkyloxy-azoxybenzenes in their nematic phases by proton NMR p. 1665 St. Limmer, M. Findeisen, H. Schmiedel and B. Hillner DOI: AbstractPDF (1.175 MB)References
Commensurate-incommensurate transitions of physisorbed films on anisotropic substrates p. 1673 F.D.M. Haldane and J. Villain DOI: AbstractPDF (2.792 MB)References
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