Scattering formalism for nonidentical spinor particles p. 1391 P. La France and P. Winternitz DOI: AbstractPDF (2.480 MB)References
Study of the iodine absorption spectrum by means of Fourier spectroscopy in the region 12 600-14 000 cm-1 p. 1419 S. Gerstenkorn, P. Luc and J. Sinzelle DOI: AbstractPDF (1.760 MB)References
High resolution emission spectra of H2 and D2 near 80 nm p. 1431 M. Larzillière, F. Launay and J.-Y. Roncin DOI: AbstractPDF (752.1 KB)References
The elastic anomaly of NaCN at 284 K p. 1437 M. Boissier, R. Vacher, D. Fontaine and R.M. Pick DOI: AbstractPDF (476.9 KB)References
The low frequency Raman spectrum in relation to the phase transition of KH3(SeO3)2 p. 1441 M. Krauzman and R.M. Pick DOI: AbstractPDF (969.7 KB)References
Dynamic nuclear polarization in 6LiD p. 1447 V. Bouffard, Y. Roinel, P. Roubeau and A. Abragam DOI: AbstractPDF (712.7 KB)References
Thermal conductivity and specific heat of pure and iodine doped polyacetylene (CH)x p. 1453 N. Mermilliod, L. Zuppiroli and B. François DOI: AbstractPDF (745.8 KB)References
Crystallization of polymers. Part I : Polydispersed polymers quenched from the liquid state p. 1459 J. Rault, M. Sotton, C. Rabourdin and E. Robelin DOI: AbstractPDF (1.316 MB)References
Crystallization of polymers. Part II : Fractionated polyethylene quenched from the liquid state p. 1469 E. Robelin, F. Rousseaux, M. Lemonnier and J. Rault DOI: AbstractPDF (886.0 KB)References
Scattering of neutral particles by a two-dimensional exponential corrugated potential p. 1475 G. Armand DOI: AbstractPDF (1.649 MB)References
Magnetically induced quadrupole interactions and anisotropic hyperfine fields at Fe-sites in RFe2-compounds p. 1487 P. Raj and S.K. Kulshreshtha DOI: AbstractPDF (1.186 MB)References
Transverse and longitudinal resistivities of pure and irradiated TMTSF-DMTCNQ p. 1495 G. Mihaly, S. Bouffard, L. Zuppiroli and K. Bechgaard DOI: AbstractPDF (1.066 MB)References