Anisotropic percolation: conductivity of a square random network of bondsPercolation anisotrope : conductivité d'un réseau carré de liens aléatoires p. 387 R. Blanc, C.D. Mitescu and G. Thévenot DOI: AbstractPDF (771.9 KB)References
The difference bands of tetrahedral molecules: the 2 nu /sub 4/- nu /sub 4/ and nu /sub 2/+ nu /sub 4/- nu /sub 2/ hot bands of /sup 12/CH/sub 4/Les bandes de différence des molécules tétraédriques. Application : les bandes chaudes 2 ν4 — ν4 et ν 2 + ν4 — ν2 de 12CH 4 p. 393 C. Pierre, G. Pierre, J.P. Champion, J.C. Fontanella and M. Delplanque DOI: AbstractPDF (1.555 MB)References
Implantation of 18O+ ions in channelling directions of aluminium, copper and nickel single crystals - I. — Experimental conditions and range profile determination p. 403 M. Meyer, C. El Houch and S. Barbezat DOI: AbstractPDF (806.8 KB)References
Implantation of 18O+ ions in channelling directions of aluminium, copper and nickel single crystals - II. — Stopping power determination by maximum range measurements p. 409 M. Meyer DOI: AbstractPDF (794.2 KB)References
X-ray scattering study of the polymerisation mechanism and phase transitions of the diacetylene: bis-(p-toluene-sulphonate) of 2, 4 hexadiyne 1,6 diolEtude par diffusion des rayons X du mécanisme de polymérisation et des transitions de phase du diacétylène : bis-(p-toluène sulfonate) de 2,4 hexadiyne 1,6 diol p. 415 P. Robin, J.P. Pouget, R. Comes and A. Moradpour DOI: AbstractPDF (1.530 MB)References
Proton shift tensors in hydrogen molybdenum bronze p. 423 A.T. Nicol, D. Tinet and J.J. Fripiat DOI: AbstractPDF (531.3 KB)References
Hysteresis in CuMn : The effect of spin orbit scattering on the anisotropy in the spin glass state p. 427 J.J. Prejean, M.J. Joliclerc and P. Monod DOI: AbstractPDF (1.547 MB)References
Shear flow induced propagating domains in cholesterics p. 437 I. Jánossy DOI: AbstractPDF (716.7 KB)References
Halfwidths, thermal and optical activation energies in ZnSe exciton emissionEmission excitonique dans ZnSe : largeurs de raies, énergies d'activation thermiques et optiques p. 443 G. Hitier DOI: AbstractPDF (1.535 MB)References
Erratum - On isotope effects in the predissociations of HD p. 453 J. Durup DOI: AbstractPDF (24.32 KB)
Book reviewsRevue de Livres p. 455 DOI: AbstractPDF (576.5 KB)