Coupling-coefficients related to the rovibrational fine structure of tetrahedral moleculesCoefficients de couplage relatifs à la structure fine de rotation-vibration des molécules tétraédriques p. 527 J.C. Hilico and M. Dang Nhu DOI: AbstractPDF (715.3 KB)References
Microwave spectroscopy of ClF/sub 5/ at 70 and 140 GHzSpectroscopie microonde de ClF5 à 70 et 140 GHz p. 533 R. Jurek, P. Suzeau, J. Chanussot and J.P. Champion DOI: AbstractPDF (726.8 KB)References
Optical pumping of the /sup 199/Hg(6/sup 3/P/sub 0/) metastable atoms in the vapour phasePompage optique des atomes métastables 199Hg(6 3P 0) en phase vapeur p. 541 B. Lahaye DOI: AbstractPDF (779.6 KB)References
Thermal vibrational relaxation of a triatomic gas pure or mixed with other gases. Application to CO/sub 2/Relaxation thermique de vibration d'un gaz triatomique pur ou constituant d'un mélange. Application à CO2 p. 547 M. Huetz-Aubert and J. Laterrasse DOI: AbstractPDF (1.171 MB)References
X-ray dislocation substructure observations and strengthening mechanisms in α-iron single crystal between room temperature and 123 K p. 557 G. Coulon, J. Lecoq and B. Escaig DOI: AbstractPDF (2.182 MB)References
Lattice thermal conductivity of p-type III-V semiconductors and p-Si at low temperatures p. 571 M. Singh and G.S. Verma DOI: AbstractPDF (562.8 KB)References
Interaction of triplet excitons with trapped and free holes in crystalline anthracene. Exciton quenching, current enhancement and magnetic field effects p. 577 H. Bouchriha, G. Delacote, P. Delannoy and M. Schott DOI: AbstractPDF (1.546 MB)References
Threads and disclinations in nematics in capillary tubesFils et disinclinaisons dans un nématique en tube capillaire p. 589 C. Williams and Y. Bouligand DOI: AbstractPDF (1.013 MB)References
Linear theory of dislocations in a smetic A p. 595 M. Kléman DOI: AbstractPDF (830.1 KB)References
Magnetic field effects on the attenuation and velocity of ultrasonic waves in a nematic liquid crystalEffets d'un champ magnétique sur l'atténuation et la vitesse des ondes ultrasonores dans un cristal liquide nématique p. 601 J.C. Bacri DOI: AbstractPDF (801.3 KB)References
Kinetic study of the hysteresis effect in polymorphic phase transitions. Overpressure influenceÉtude cinétique de l'effet d'hystérésis dans les transitions polymorphiques influence de la surpression p. 609 J. Leliwa Kopystynski, J. Peyronneau and A. Lacam DOI: AbstractPDF (742.6 KB)References
Book reviewsRevue de livres p. 615 DOI: AbstractPDF (310.4 KB)